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Showing posts with label repairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label repairs. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tools of the Real Estate Investment Trade.

Tenant Electrical Tampering

When I started out as a Landlord, I was very naive about how tenants could damage your investment property and get away with it.

One of the hidden problems is your electrical outlets. They can be tampered with or damaged very easily without the Landlord's knowledge.

I had a tenant set up a tent on the back patio of one of my investment properties to repair engines. I noticed he jury rigged lighting from one of the outlets in the back bedroom. I wasn't happy about it but didn't say anything.

After the family moved out I went over the property to detect the repairs needed for the next occupants. I noticed that outlet used for outside electricity wasn't working properly but I didn't know why. I remember my Dad, who an electrician, using a tool to check the current status of each outlet.

This instrument not only checks but reports back through a series light combinations the existing status.


This little tool provides the owner or Landlord the following advantages:

  • Check current state of electrical outlets before tenant moves out. Use security deposit to implement repairs.
  • Before purchasing an investment property, check existing status of the electrical network inside the potential investment property. Have Seller do repairs instead of the Buyer.
  • The tool is easy to use.
  • Very inexpensive.
  • No need for an Electrician. DIY (Do-It-Yourself).

Outlet Status

Below is a table that displays the Outlet Status when the three prong is plugged into a standard 110 volt outlet:


This little tool can save time and money and that my friends is the bottom line to managing your investment portfolio.

Related Links, Blog Postings, Presentations or Articles:

Written by Bob Burns.
Bob Burns and air filter maskComing in Hot...
Bob Burns Print Signature Photo
Real Estate Investor
Telephone #: 305-586-5280
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Determining Your Investment Property Value

A good Real Estate Investor is constantly looking for motivated sellers that are offering deals they can make a substantial profit on. Investors have to determine what they are willing to pay for this asset without losing money in the process. There are several problems that can occur with this investment objective :

  • Finding Motivated Sellers. In order to make a substantial profit, investors must offer a purchase price substantially lower than the Seller is willing to accept. If the Seller doesn't negotiate with you on price or terms you are wasting your time. Move On!
  • Determining the Maximum Allowable Offer MAO. This formula allows real estate investors to determine the MAXIMUM price they can offer the seller and still make a profit.
  • Determining the Property's Repairs Costs. Sellers are usually motivated to sell their property because the asset or themselves are in a state of distress. As investors purchase multiple properties they get pretty good at determining the cost to bring the property back online.
  • What is the After Repair Value APR? What will be the property's value be after cleanup and repairs are done? You need comparables to assess the property's value. The Multiple Listing Service MLS is a fantastic source for retrieving sale and property information but:
    • MLS is only available to Realtor Associations.
    • You have to be a Realtor Association Member.
    • Costs money to be a member:
      • Realtor License Fee.
      • Association Membership Fees.
      • Continuing Education Fees.

What if you don't have access to the MLS to determine property comparables or COMPS? How are you going to determine a property's value if you don't have access to information about the neighborhood?

Don't Worry!

There is plenty of information on the internet. Most counties in the United States provide free data concerning all the properties they currently have on their tax rolls. We provide a page on our web site that lists Property Information and Clerk of the Court data for each of Florida's counties.

Once you have determined the following items:

  • Repair Costs.
  • If you are financing the deal, Principle and Interest or P&I and closing costs.
  • Monthly Fees like:
    • Electricity and Water Access.
    • Insurance.
    • Taxes.
  • Determine the After Repair Value APR.
you will need to plug in these numbers into the MAO formula to determine your MAXIMUM Offer Price.

YOU MUST never, never, never, ever go beyond that price or you will lose money and the MAO price is only good for 90 days! It is based on a three month window.

Related Links, Blog Postings, Presentations or Articles:

  • In the very near future we will provided a short video below this blog posting that will help determine a property's After Repair Value APR in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

Written by +Bob Burns.
The caricature of Bob BurnsNever Quit!
Bob Burns Print Signature Photo
Real Estate Investor
Telephone #: 305-586-5280
Our Internet Footprint:Section Eight Icon Face Book Icon LinkedIn Icon Twitter Icon Youtube Icon RSS Logo  Top Blogs